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allocateIntermediateCapacitySegments(boolean) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMapBuilder
Specifies whether during the growth of SmoothieMaps created with this builder they should first allocate intermediate-capacity segments and then reallocate them as full-capacity segments when needed, or allocate full-capacity segments right away.
asMapWithMutableIterators() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap


build() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMapBuilder
Creates a new SmoothieMap with the configurations from this builder.


caseInsensitive() - Static method in class io.timeandspace.collect.Equivalence
Returns the String equivalence that uses String.equalsIgnoreCase(java.lang.String) to compare strings.
charSequence() - Static method in class io.timeandspace.collect.Equivalence
Returns the equivalence that compares CharSequences by their contents.
clear() - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Removes all of the mappings from this map.
clear() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
compute(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
compute(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Attempts to compute a mapping for the specified key and its current mapped value (or null if there is no current mapping).
computeIfAbsent(K, Function<? super K, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
computeIfAbsent(K, Function<? super K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
If the specified key is not already associated with a value, attempts to compute its value using the given mapping function and enters it into this map unless null.
computeIfPresent(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
computeIfPresent(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
If the value for the specified key is present and non-null, attempts to compute a new mapping given the key and its current mapped value.
containsEntry(Object, Object) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Returns true if this map contains a mapping of the given key and value.
containsEntry(Object, Object) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
containsKey(Object) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Returns true if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
containsValue(Object) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Returns true if this map has one or more keys associated with the specified value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap


defaultEquality() - Static method in class io.timeandspace.collect.Equivalence
Returns the default, built-in equivalence in Java, driven by Object.equals(Object) and Object.hashCode() methods.
defaultKeyEquivalence() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMapBuilder
Sets the Equivalence used for comparing keys in SmoothieMaps created with this builder to Equivalence.defaultEquality().
defaultKeyHashFunction() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMapBuilder
Specifies that SmoothieMaps created with this builder should use the default key hash function which derives a 64-bit hash code from the 32-bit result of calling Object.hashCode() on the key object (or Equivalence.hash(T), if keyEquivalence(Equivalence) is configured for the builder).
defaultOptimizationConfiguration() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMapBuilder
Specifies that SmoothieMaps created using this builder should operate in "mixed" mode which is a compromise between OptimizationObjective.FOOTPRINT and OptimizationObjective.LOW_GARBAGE.
defaultValueEquivalence() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMapBuilder
Sets the Equivalence used for comparing values in SmoothieMaps created with this builder to Equivalence.defaultEquality().
doShrink(boolean) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMapBuilder
Specifies whether SmoothieMaps created with this builder should automatically shrink, i.


entryEquivalence(Equivalence<K>, Equivalence<V>) - Static method in class io.timeandspace.collect.Equivalence
Returns a Map.Entry equivalence for the given key and value equivalences.
entrySet() - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Returns a Set view of the mappings contained in this map.
entrySet() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
Returns a Set view of the mappings contained in this map.
entrySet() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SwissTable
equals(Object) - Method in class io.timeandspace.collect.Equivalence
equals(Object) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Returns true if the other object is a Map; this map and the given map have the same size; and for all entries in the other map, containsEntry(e.getKey(), e.getValue()) called on this map returns true.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.timeandspace.collect.StatelessEquivalence
Returns true if the given object is also an instance of this equivalence class.
equals(Object) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
Equivalence<T> - Class in io.timeandspace.collect
A strategy for determining whether two instances are considered equivalent.
Equivalence() - Constructor for class io.timeandspace.collect.Equivalence
Constructor for use by subclasses.
equivalent(T, T) - Method in class io.timeandspace.collect.Equivalence
Returns true if a and b are considered equivalent, false otherwise.
expectedSize(long) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMapBuilder
Specifies the expected steady-state size of each SmoothieMap created using this builder.


FOOTPRINT - io.timeandspace.smoothie.OptimizationObjective
In the "footprint" mode, SmoothieMap has the lowest possible footprint per entry and the lowest variability of the footprint at different SmoothieMap's sizes.
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Performs the given action for each entry in this map until all entries have been processed or the action throws an exception.
forEach(BiConsumer<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
forEachWhile(BiPredicate<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Checks the given predicate on each entry in this map until all entries have been processed or the predicate returns false for some entry, or throws an Exception.
forEachWhile(BiPredicate<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
forEachWhile(Predicate<? super E>) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.ObjCollection
Checks the given predicate on each element in this collection until all elements have been processed or the predicate returns false for some element, or throws an Exception.


get(Object) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
get(Object) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
get(Object) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SwissTable
getInternal(E) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.ObjSet
Returns the object held by this set internally and equivalent to the given object e, if there is one, or null if this set contains no such element (optional operation).
getInternalKey(Object) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
getInternalKey(K) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Returns the key object held by this map internally and equivalent to the specified key, if there is one, or null if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getKey() - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.KeyValue
Gets the key of the pair.
getOrDefault(Object, V) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or defaultValue if this map contains no mapping for the key.
getOrDefault(Object, V) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
getValue() - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.KeyValue
Gets the value of the pair.


hash(T) - Method in class io.timeandspace.collect.Equivalence
Returns a hash code for the given object.
hashCode() - Method in class io.timeandspace.collect.Equivalence
hashCode() - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Returns a sum of the following expressions: keyEquivalence().hash(key) ^ valueEquivalence().hash(value) applied to all entries in this map.
hashCode() - Method in class io.timeandspace.collect.StatelessEquivalence
Returns a hash code of this equivalence class.
hashCode() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
hashMapSizeInBytes(HashMap<?, ?>) - Static method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.ObjectSize


identity() - Static method in class io.timeandspace.collect.Equivalence
Returns the equivalence that uses == to compare objects and System.identityHashCode(Object) to compute the hash code.
io.timeandspace.collect - package io.timeandspace.collect
io.timeandspace.collect.map - package io.timeandspace.collect.map
io.timeandspace.smoothie - package io.timeandspace.smoothie
isEmpty() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap


keyEquivalence() - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Returns the equivalence strategy for keys for this map.
keyEquivalence() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
keyEquivalence(Equivalence<K>) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMapBuilder
Sets the Equivalence used for comparing keys in SmoothieMaps created with this builder to the given equivalence.
keyHashCode(Object) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SwissTable
keyHashFunction(ToLongFunction<K>) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMapBuilder
Sets a key hash function to be used in SmoothieMaps created with this builder.
keyHashFunctionFactory(Supplier<ToLongFunction<K>>) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMapBuilder
Sets a factory to obtain a key hash function for each SmoothieMap created using this builder.
keySet() - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Returns a Set view of the keys contained in this map.
keySet() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
Returns a Set view of the keys contained in this map.
KeyValue<K,​V> - Interface in io.timeandspace.collect.map
Defines a simple key-value pair.


LOW_GARBAGE - io.timeandspace.smoothie.OptimizationObjective
In the "low-garbage" mode, SmoothieMap generates very little garbage (that is, heap objects that later become unreachable and need to be swept by the GC), either during the growth phase or the shrinkage phase (when a map reduces in size after the peak growth).


mappingCount() - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
This method is an alias to ObjObjMap.sizeAsLong().
merge(K, V, BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
merge(K, V, BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
If the specified key is not already associated with a value or is associated with null, associates it with the given value.
minPeakSize(long) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMapBuilder
Specifies the minimum bound of the peak size of each SmoothieMap created using this builder.
mutableEntryIterator() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
Returns an iterator over the entries in this SmoothieMap that supports Iterator.remove() operation.
mutableKeyIterator() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
Returns an iterator over the keys in this SmoothieMap that supports Iterator.remove() operation.
mutableValueIterator() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
Returns an iterator over the values in this SmoothieMap that supports Iterator.remove() operation.


newBuilder() - Static method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
Creates a new SmoothieMapBuilder.
nullableEquivalent(T, T) - Method in class io.timeandspace.collect.Equivalence
Returns true if a and b are considered equivalent, false otherwise.
nullableHash(T) - Method in class io.timeandspace.collect.Equivalence
Returns a hash code for the given object.


ObjCollection<E> - Interface in io.timeandspace.collect
ObjectSize - Class in io.timeandspace.smoothie
ObjObjMap<K,​V> - Interface in io.timeandspace.collect.map
An extension of the Map interface.
ObjSet<E> - Interface in io.timeandspace.collect
OptimizationObjective - Enum in io.timeandspace.smoothie
OptimizationObjectives correspond to SmoothieMap's modes of operation which could be configured via optimizeFor(io.timeandspace.smoothie.OptimizationObjective) method.
optimizeFor(OptimizationObjective) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMapBuilder
Specifies whether SmoothieMaps created using this builder should operate in the "low-garbage" mode (if OptimizationObjective.LOW_GARBAGE is passed into this method) or the "footprint" mode (if OptimizationObjective.FOOTPRINT is passed into this method).


put(K, V) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map.
put(K, V) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
put(K, V) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SwissTable
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Copies all of the mappings from the specified map to this map.
putAll(Map<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
If the specified key is not already associated with a value, associates it with the given value and returns null, else returns the current value.
putIfAbsent(K, V) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap


remove(Object) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Removes the mapping for a key from this map if it is present.
remove(Object) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
remove(Object, Object) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Removes the entry for the specified key only if it is currently mapped to the specified value.
remove(Object, Object) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
removeIf(BiPredicate<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Removes all of the entries of this map that satisfy the given predicate.
removeIf(BiPredicate<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
replace(K, V) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Replaces the entry for the specified key only if it is currently mapped to some value.
replace(K, V) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
replace(K, V, V) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Replaces the entry for the specified key only if currently mapped to the specified value.
replace(K, V, V) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Replaces each entry's value with the result of invoking the given function on that entry until all entries have been processed or the function throws an exception.
replaceAll(BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap


size() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
size() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SwissTable
sizeAsLong() - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Returns the number of entries in the map as a long value (not truncated to Integer.MAX_VALUE, if the map size exceeds it, as returned by the Map.size() method).
sizeAsLong() - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.ObjCollection
sizeAsLong() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
sizeInBytes() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
Returns the approximate footprint of this SmoothieMap instance in the heap of the JVM process, in bytes.
SmoothieMap<K,​V> - Class in io.timeandspace.smoothie
Unordered Map with worst put latencies more than 100 times smaller than in ordinary hash table implementations like HashMap and very low footprint per entry.
SmoothieMapBuilder<K,​V> - Class in io.timeandspace.smoothie
SmoothieMapBuilder is used to configure and create SmoothieMaps.
splitBetweenTwoNewSegments(boolean) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMapBuilder
Specifies whether when segments are split in SmoothieMaps created with this builder, the entries from the segment being split should be moved into two new intermediate-capacity segments or the entries should be distributed between the old segment one newly allocated segment (full-capacity or intermediate-capacity).
StatelessEquivalence<T> - Class in io.timeandspace.collect
Base class for stateless Equivalence implementations.
StatelessEquivalence() - Constructor for class io.timeandspace.collect.StatelessEquivalence
Constructor for use by subclasses.
SwissTable<K,​V> - Class in io.timeandspace.smoothie
SwissTable() - Constructor for class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SwissTable
SwissTable(int) - Constructor for class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SwissTable


toString() - Method in class io.timeandspace.collect.StatelessEquivalence
Returns simple name of this equivalence class, getClass().getSimpleName().
toString() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap


unknownExpectedSize() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMapBuilder
Specifies that the expected size of each SmoothieMap created using this builder is unknown.
unknownMinPeakSize() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMapBuilder
Specifies that the minimum bound of the peak size of each SmoothieMap created using this builder is unknown.


valueEquivalence() - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Returns the equivalence strategy for values for this map.
valueEquivalence() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
valueEquivalence(Equivalence<V>) - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMapBuilder
Sets the Equivalence used for comparing values in SmoothieMaps created with this builder to the given equivalence.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.timeandspace.smoothie.OptimizationObjective
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Method in interface io.timeandspace.collect.map.ObjObjMap
Returns a Collection view of the values contained in this map.
values() - Static method in enum io.timeandspace.smoothie.OptimizationObjective
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class io.timeandspace.smoothie.SmoothieMap
Returns a Collection view of the values contained in this map.
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